Women’s Ministry

Opportunities for women to connect with the Lord and with each other.


LWML stands for Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, or as we are sometimes referred to as Lutheran Women in Mission. Our LWML group’s name is “Servants of the King”. We meet the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. for a meeting, snacks, and an activity. We collect Mites, have an ongoing recycling project, have LWR Projects of health kits and school kits, a yearly Spring Marketand great fellowship.

Bible Study

We have several Bible studies. Check the Bible Studies page for updated times and topics. Bring a friend and join us as we learn to let God’s Word come alive for us.

Social Activities

We get together intermittently to have a Ladies Night Out where we go out to eat or play games.  Join us and bring a friend.  We are always wanting to make new friends.  Suggest a new activity.